Degree Awarding Partners
EMJM FLOURISH utilises the different expertise of the four degree awarding partners with each contributing its particular expertise to a synergetic collective endeavour. The partners have been working together in the area of resilience and wellbeing over the years and have developed together a common and integrated approach to resilience in education. The partners’ specific expertise are reflected in the study units they are offering at the mobility moves in their own respective universities, supported and complemented by contributions from the six associated partners. In this way EMJM FLOURISH offers a comprehensive, innovative, and integrated programme, pooling together their various expertise.
University of Malta
THE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA (UM), project coordinator, is the leading higher education institution in Malta, with 12,500 students, 1,500 foreign/exchange students from nearly 92 different countries, following full-time or part-time degree and diploma courses. Around 3,500 students graduate each year. UM is comprised of 14 Faculties and several other campuses and employs a total of 2,848 employees including academics, administrative, technical and industrial staff. Its structures are in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education area. It has a track record of excellence in research and innovation. The UM is also represented in a number of European and International University networks and groups.
University of Crete
THE UNIVERSITY OF CRETE, Greece (UC) is a multi-disciplinary, research-oriented public educational institution, with16 Departments in 5 Schools and a number of affiliated institutions. The international orientation of the University is reflected in its track record of collaborations with many of the leading research and educational institutions in Europe and worldwide as well as active promotion of mobility and exchange programmes. It is the first Greek University to have signed the EU Charter and the Code for the recruitment of researchers, and forms part of the EURAXESS European network for the mobility of researchers. In the last five years it has participated in more than 4.000 R&D programmes, of which more than 450 were European competitive ones and has developed a wide range of collaborative agreements with more than 500 universities and research institutions.
University of Lisbon
THE UNIVERSITY OF LISBON (UL) is, one of the major institutions of Higher Education in Europe and one of the leading universities in Portugal comprising 18 Schools with teaching and research units. It has more than 48.000 students enrolled in undergraduate, master, and doctorate courses. The Health Education Research Centre at the Faculty of Human Kinetics is led by a group of researchers experienced in running national and international research projects with an emphasis on health promotion, resilience and well-being. The Faculty staff is composed of highly-qualified and skilled educators and staff with academic degrees in the areas of education and health, with several years of teaching experience in education, resilience and health promotion, and with many of them being consultants for schools and other institutions. The Instituto de Educação is the school at UL committed to research, training and public intervention in Education and Training. Over the past years it has been distinguished in various international rankings as a leading institution in education in Portugal. It collaborates with several national and international partners in the development of research projects and integrates academics from different parts of the world. It provides training activities in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in different fields of Education and Training.
University of SUCEAVA
THE UNIVERSITY STEFAN CEL MARE SUCEAVA (USV), Romania is a research and higher education institution in the North-Eastern region of the country, providing various educational programmes to about 10,000 students. The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education granted USV the High Confidence Certificate, the highest appreciation award in institutional assessment of Romanian higher education. The University is accredited as a national research and development organisation by the National Authority for Scientific Research and is ranked among the top 15 Romanian universities with outstanding research results. USV currently has 9 Faculties and offers 66 undergraduate study programs, 38 postgraduate programs and doctoral studies in 14 scientific fields. The University has over 70 bilateral partnerships with EU universities, also maintaining special relationships with some universities in Moldova and Ukraine.