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Information Session Centre for Resilience and Socio Emotional Health, University of Malta 24th June

On the 24th June 2024 the Centre for Resilience and Socio Emotional Health organised an information session for those with an interest in the Joint Master in Resilience and Educational Contexts. Professor Carmel Cefai, the programme coordinator started the session with an introductory presentation on the Master programme and the objectives of the program. The presentation can be accessed here: Presentation.

During the session an introductory video of the University of Crete (Link), University of Lisbon (Link) and University of Stefan Cel Mare were shown in the information session. Prof Colomeischi from the University of Stefan Cel Mare also introduced the university whilst Professor Matsopoulos from the University of Crete addressed the participants through a brief video recording.

Present also in the information session were Farhana Yesmin, student representative and Gift Onyinyechi Oparah, a student, both from the 1st cohort of the Master who gave presentations about their experiences in the first and second semester. Link for Farhana’s Presentation, link for Gift’s presentation.

To conclude the session Dr Cosmin Nada from the University of Porto gave a presentation about recent developments and directions at the European Level that are supporting wellbeing and promoting school success for all.